My young son has, over the past few years, develop an interest in football. I would go as far to say that Celtic (and football in general) has become a passion of his. He is keen to demonstrate his knowledge of current players, not only from Celtic but, from clubs across every league imaginable.Without doubt, his knowledge of current players exceeds that of his auld da.
Of course, he doesn’t get it all his own way, and there are times I cannot resist trying to steer him in the direction of a player that I think will make our team better. There are even times where I’ll make signings without his knowledge or “approval.” If he voices displeasure at this, then I remind him that I bought the game and I’m his dad, so ultimately I get to decide. Pull rank, if you like.
Now, could anyone imagine letting us loose on a real football club!!?? Father and son playing out the scenario above, with tens of thousands of supporters spending real money on season tickets and, countless thousands worldwide, whose passion and life revolve around that football club?
So, if his signings perform well, he takes great delight in reminding me of his eye for a player and insists he is praised for his scouting prowess!
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